Plot Guide.
Не говорю, что со всем согласен, но теория неплоха. Потом запощу теорию, которой сам придерживаюсь.
ШОКИРОВАН Да если бы я был шокирован,то то ни на шаг бы не отступил от Гарри,а не стрелял бы его,уже в следующей сцене этот доктор настолько "освоился" в пустом городе,будто всегда жил в нём!Такой прадвинутый.. |
Кауфман достаточно самостоятелен... с пистолетом обращаться умеет, однако. А выстрел в сторону Гарри я склонен расценивать как проверку на принадлежность оного к монстрам.И -- пустой город ведь практически идентичен настоящему...
Хех!Да ничего она не боялась!Она всех использовала начиная от Кауфмана и заканчивая самим Гарри,а под конец просто спятила. |
Неееет. Использовала Гарри, да. Потому что самостоятельно поймать Алессу не могла.
Использовала Кауфмана, нет. Помнишь как она бешено завизжала, увидев Аглаофотис у Кауфмана? Она наоборот пыталась устранить единственный способ помешать ей -- она разбила бутылку в офисе Кауфмана...
Спятила под конец? Я не видел большой разницы между ней в конце и в начале, хех...
Она повторяла одно и то же - "тьма пожирает город"... ей это определённо не нравилось. Ведь иначе зачем ей было заставлять Гарри бегать за Алессой, которая как раз и перетягивала город на тёмную сторону?
А в тюрьме,как водится заключённые.. |
Гм? Разве там были не самые обычные монстры?... те самые, которые тоннами по улицам гуляли?
Не думал,почему главные монстры именно они и медсёстры?.. |
Популярное мнение, которое мне кажется правдоподобным: монстры в игре все человекоподобны и несколько жентвенны.
Безрукие монстры символизируют удушение.
Манекены символизируют плотское желание.
Медсёстры - и то, и другое (их физиономия завёрнута во что-то, похожее на пластик, и юбки у них сверхкороткие).Вне картины находится лишь монстр-кровать ака папаша Анжелы. Очевидно, что он сам по себе представляет собой сцену изнасилования, которая имела место быть в подсознании Анжелы... но вот к Джеймсу никакого отношения не имела.
Ладно... надеюсь, что ты осилил президентов плот гайд; вот теория, которая, на мой взгляд, более соответствует действительности:
Not only was the nightmarish alternate realm made by Alessa, but I believe that the foggy alternate realm was made by her also. The popular theory is that the foggy one was created by Dahlia, while the nightmarish one was created by Alessa to hide from Dahlia. I see a few faults with this one, however. For example, monsters of both realms are essentially the same. Alessa is projecting her imagination onto the foggy world also.
This is pure speculation of mine, but with only half of Samael's soul, Alessa only manages to create a foggy Silent Hill. As a little girl, she perhaps liked snow. But more importantly, the foggy state is important to her because people can't get a clearer look at her through the fog. But her pure purpose of this world is to hide from the real world, who hurt her and continued to hurt her because of the way she looked. She just wants everyone to leave her alone. But at least she is fascinated by dogs, birds and apes and builds a world with them in it. Roads are sometimes blocked because that's as far as her mind can manipulate.
As she gets older, however, she realizes that she can tap into an evil yet stronger power in her. While, this is happening, somewhere in the real world, Lisa Garland is killed by Michael Kaufman. Alessa liked her. She doesn't want her to die. She takes her soul and projects her image onto a new world in a little room in the hospital she created: the alternate realm. Alessa then realizes something. She just built a new, stronger world. She suddenly gets the idea of revenge. She'll teach every one of those trash, who hurt her. She decides to start with the four people, who stood around her bed before the day of the burning. She pinpoints their locations and first drags them to the foggy Silent Hill.
It's important to realize that the buildings that you experience the alternate realm are those of the respective four characters: K. Gordon (Midwich), Michael Kaufman (Alchemilla), Dahlia (the "other" church) and one other (perhaps Brookhaven: see Last Man Standing thread). But at this time, Alessa hasn't perfected her alternate realm skills as it takes a greater burst of energy and she hadn't tried more often. She needs to concentrate in order to tap into her inner powers. This is shown by the world getting dark and monsters starting to morph into more haunting images. If she can pinpoint the location of the characters, she could create the alternate realm around them and finish them off.
First, she tries to locate K. Gordon. She thinks that the most likely part in which he resides is either his home or Midwich. She locates him in Midwich and tourments his mind and soul. Harry is one step late seeing the body in the restroom. Next is Kaufman. Likely part to reside in? Alchmilla Hospital. But, as luck would have it, he leaves the hospital and poor Harry is the only one there to experience it. I'll take care of Kaufman later, Alessa thinks.
Alessa now quitely awaits Dahlia at the "other" church. She even projects the image of her entering the altar on Dahlia. She knows Dahlia wants to capture her. The plan is set. However, Dahlia is pretty clever and knows by now that it's a trap set for her. So what does she do? Project that image into Harry and send him instead. Poor Harry is again transferred into the alternate realm. Alessa realizes that she has failed again and this Harry is becoming more than annoying. Alessa must be more careful about Dahlia, she realizes and sets off to finish Kaufman, who is an easier target.
Alessa pinpoints Kaufman along the Norman Motel. Depending on what you do, you either save Kaufman or he dies by a monster of Alessa. She now only needs to fight her last battle against Dahlia. Alessa pinpoints her along the lake and the park. But she's not sure. She uses more of her energy to create the alternate realm through out that part of town. But wherever she is, she'll get sucked into the alternate realm this time. Dahlia knows that Alessa is trying to lure her into either the lighthouse or the park. Dahlia again sends Harry and another pawn: Cybil. Alessa first goes to the lighthouse only to realize she's been tricked again. She transports to the park. Meanwhile at the park, Cybil finds Alessa. Alessa is definitely not amused as she attaches a parasite to her back. Perhaps, she could use Cybil to finish off Dahlia. But as luck would have it, Harry comes along and Cybil attackes him. Alessa slaps her forehead as she realizes she's been tricked again and had about enough with Harry. She projects herself into the alternate realm and readies a shock wave for him. Perhaps this time, he'll be knocked out long enough for her to finish her business. But she never realized that Harry had the Flauros on him. She loses the battle and is captured by Dahlia.
© Blue Phoenix. Спёрто с форумов Dark Legacy...
Парочка моментов, ИМО, нуджается в корректировке (например, про Кауфмана... по-моему, он просто не смог справиться с обычным монстром), но в целом это объяснение мне кажется более чем правдоподобным.
(Отредактировал(а) Temporal Distortion - 7:53 - 18 Апр., 2003)